What you need to know:

  • Automotive lights perform two essential functions: illuminating the road for the driver and making the vehicle visible to other road users.
  • Signs of malfunctioning lights include reduced light yield, oncoming traffic being blinded, lighting failure in the vehicle’s interior or exterior, any impairment of ‘seeing and being seen’ or of the illuminated cockpit controls.
  • Impairments to the functional performance of lights present the highest risk to safety. If oncoming drivers are blinded by the glare of a vehicle’s headlights or if any visibility-related lights fail, it is hazardous to all road users and the risk of accident increases.
  • If a driver’s sight is impaired, it can lead to a decline in his/her ability to concentrate and to a faster rate of fatigue due to eyestrain.
  • Malfunctioning or burnt out lighting is an offense subject to fines in many countries.
  • The Genuine Parts product range includes incandescent/metal filament lights, halogen lights, gas-discharge (Xenon) lights and LED modules.

Opt for the Genuine Part because:

  • Genuine lights provide a high degree of safety and 
    reliability due to their consistent light yield, high light density and low energy consumption.
  • They comply with the latest lighting requirements or can adapted to them (e.g. Bi-Xenon headlight with swiveling headlight unit) and are optimally adapted to the lighting system of every vehicle model.
  • They have a long service life due to the use of high-grade materials, the highest manufacturing quality standards and high temperature resistance.
  • LongLife and Super LongLife variants are also available, which offer at least twice the service life of standard lights.
  • The most common lights are available in a practical replacement light box format.